Skunks: types, habits, spray mechanisms

and a whole lot more are over at the PBS website, where you can see the nifty Nature program Is That Skunk?. We saw it the other night, more or less by accident. All my anecdotal observations confirmed; they’re extremely reluctant to spray ( An Eek of The Week that isn’t). And wait’ll you see the spotted ones – some cute!

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  • Roger Goldmann Said,

    HI Bill,
    I wanted to thank you for mentioning your upcoming lecture at the Culinary. I did speak to Jay and he told me to stop by. I really enjoyed your talk very much and came away with some valuable knowledge about mushrooms. I would have come down to say hello but you had quite a few students waiting to speak to you afterward. Thanks again and if possible I would love to see your garden some day. I am a avid gardener and even though each year as I get older I say I am going to do less, seems I do more!

    Take care
    Roger Goldmann

  • Bill Said,

    Hi Roger,

    I’m glad that you enjoyed the mushroom lecture at the CIA. I was really impressed with the new digital projector in this auditorium. The images were very sharp and true as to color, not always so on the older projector, so I’m doubly gald that you got to see them on this new bright screen.

    Are you coming to the foray on Saturday? If so , be sure to come up and introduce yourself. The mushrooms will taper off a bit in June, but really explode from July through October. The fall course at the CIA is in Mid- September. Keep it in mind, and think about joining the local mycological association.


  • hailey and alex Said,

    me and alex are doing a project on skunks. have any website suggestions

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