The Leftover Turkey List – Lucky Thirteen

This is rosa ‘Dr. Huey.’ He has absolutely nothing to do with turkey, leftover or otherwise. I’ve just had it with looking at food for a while.
These suggestions are offered just in case you are like me and turn out to still have some left. Eternity is famously “two people and a ham,” but turkey is even more so, in my opinion. This may have something to do with the fact that Bill is strictly a ham sandwich man, so I can’t count on lunch for help. (A bit about Dr. Huey follows.)
Thirteen Things to do with Leftover Turkey
shortcuts included
- Soup – with a great deal of escarole and lemon and garlic and maybe some pasta.
- Hash – parsnips aren’t usually part of hash, but they make a nice change from carrots. A little bacon never hurt anybody.
- Tacos – best with dark meat. A little fresh pineapple perks up almost any basic salsa.
- Croquettes – I know, frying. If you can’t bear it, make turkey cakes. A little less crust but almost as good.
- Tetrazini
- Mole – respectable if not wonderful pre-made mole sauces are increasingly available. I wouldn’t start from scratch.
- Pot pie – If I didn’t keep home made piecrust on hand at all times, I’d use Dufour frozen puff pastry, the busy cook’s friend.
- Stuffed portobellos – a bit of leftover stuffing to mix with the meat seems a lot to ask at this point, but if you have some…
- Thai green curry with coconut milk – the recipe on the curry jar (or can) works fine.
- Salad with romaine, scallions, avocados and endive – a modest number of pomegranate seeds are pretty and tasty.
- Diced in vinaigrette, with chickpeas, garlic, lemon and parsley – a great chance to be lavish with first class olive oil.
- Calzone, with mozzarella, thyme and scallions – refrigerated pizza dough will do in a pinch. Industrial mozzarella won’t.
- Shortcake – in cream sauce, on cheddar biscuits.
Concerning Dr. Huey
I wrote about this rose some years ago. Here’s a repeat of the gist of it:
Until quite recently, if you bought a rose bush at a garden center, you probably bought a grafted plant made of two roses: the big flowered beauty you see on top, and a fast growing, hardy, adaptable something else providing the roots underneath.
More often than not, the else underneath would have been a climber named Dr. Huey, introduced in 1920 and still going strong.
He’s vigorous; he withstands frost; nematodes bother him not. He’s just down there waiting for the prima donna on his head to freeze or falter – or for the gardener to fail to notice that those healthy-looking new shoots do not look quite right.
Given his chance, Dr. Huey makes long thin canes that climb 8 to 10 feet if given support. Unsupported, they arch and tangle into a mounding shrub. The open blooms are a rich dark red to purple red and there are a lot of them – for about 3 weeks in late spring.
To see Dr. Huey in person almost anywhere in America, just look in places where fancy roses may have come to grief: in cemeteries, in older, established neighborhoods with front gardens, near farmhouses that have lost their farms to housing developments.
Dr. Huey was here when we came and I somehow can’t bear to cast him out completely, but I do keep moving the plant to less and less prominent spots and I’d probably be harder hearted if I had less space.

OMG! That’s Old Ubiquitous! At least, I’m pretty certain that’s the rose I’ve seen all over the old Boston neighborhoods I’ve lived in. It makes sense that it’s a graft stock taking over. There are currently two in the tiny front yard of the condo building (an old three-decker) I live in. One was trying to take over the front steps, so the downstairs neighbor dug it up and moved it to the side. Years later, another sprout came up from the roots by the steps and is now trying to devour a clematis. I’m trying to train the one by the fence to gracefully drape a trellis, and to rescue the clem. I’m losing both battles.
Hi Marcia, thanks so much for the report. I’m lovin’ “Old Ubiquitous”! Surprised to hear you’re having trouble training the one you want to keep; ours has been willing to drape pretty well, though I do encourage it by weighting/tying down the longest canes and cutting out short ones that appear to be heading in wrong directions. Clematis rescue should be simply a matter of cutting off rose shoots over and over until the root gives up, but the general tone of your note suggests you’ve already thought of that. Have you been able to enlist the downstairs neighbor to help?
Neighbors have changed over the years. The current downstairs neighbor means well, but has done things like cut back stems that I had carefully tied and guided. I’ve offered to get together to work in the yard, but she hasn’t taken me up on it. It’s condo living – you have to tread carefully to keep good relations, and she’s a really nice person, so I don’t make a big deal of it. The rose by the clem just hasn’t been cut back often enough to discourage it. This summer, I threw myself into my community garden and didn’t do much around the house. I am inordinately proud of the 24 pounds of butternut squash I grew!
Sorry to hear about the neighbor glitch, Marcia. I expect there are many condo-dwelling readers who can sympathize… it IS tricky, and I don’t think any shared garden is worth losing the people you share with over (not great grammar, but you know what I mean). It’s great that you have the community garden as an alternative – and all that squash to be proud of!! Many recipes/ideas for using it here on the blog, as you probably already know.