Falling for Spring Bulbs
What’s Wrong With This Arrangement?
Answer of course is that it makes no seasonal sense: Blewits are fall mushrooms; Sweet peas are spring flowers.
Nevertheless, 2 weeks ago they intersected, thanks to an unusually damp summer where all the big heat came early. Now that we’re losing the light, the sweet peas have about conked out; there are more and more blewits; maples and poplars are turning fast. Must be time to order bulbs.
Actually, the time to order bulbs was months ago – but It Is Not Too Late. Tempting rarities like the lavender and deep purple C. tommasianus ‘Pictus’ (introduced in 1914) one of many treats from Old House Gardens tend to be sold out, but given how much they cost ( 3 for $11.25) this may not be a bad thing.
The pale lavender C. tommasianus ‘Lilac Beauty’ and gold-throated purple ‘Tricolor,’ ( a C. sieberi ) from Van Engelen scarcely compare in the beauty department and give nothing in heirloom bragging rights, but at 100 for $ 10.25 they do make a crocus lawn affordable enough to leave a bit of bulb money for yet more alliums, beauties of which one cannot have too many.

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