Antiques, Rare Plants, Great Local Food and The Kitchen Garden – Saturday in Garden Heaven Coming Right Up
For everyone who can get to the mid-Hudson Valley this Saturday, May 16th.

Unusual ornamentals at Trade Secrets
Start out in Sharon, CT at Trade Secrets, purchasing ( or pining for) garden antiques, modern embellishments and rare plants brought by dealers and nurserypersons from all over New England.
Then head over to Millbrook, NY for Food for Thought, Plant a Row/Grow a Row, a celebration of local and home grown that offers everything from vegetable seedlings and master gardeners’ advice on growing them to chef’s demos, a wine and cheese tasting and book signings by Nava Atlas, Lee Reich – and me.

Clockwise from top: wine cap mushrooms (Stropharia rugosa annulata), Lambs Quarters, Asparagus, Rhubarb
Some of what’s growing in my garden – and could be growing in yours – right now

Elderly stuff at trade secrets ( many classier antiques, too, I assure you))
Trade Secrets is 10 – 3. Tickets are $35.00 for general admission, $100.00 for early buying (and possible opportunity for Martha Stewart sightings, should you be interested in such things).

Right half of our kitchen garden (aka truck patch), early June. Inside the fence: garlic on the left, asparagus in back (behind the cutting peonies), baby tomatoes at the foot of the stakes, empty beds awaiting summer squash.
Food For Thought, a half hour away, is 12 – 5 and free. (Bring the kids; there will be animals, including backyard poultry and miniature Herefords). I’ll be there from 3:30 – 5; The wine and cheese tasting starts at 4.
Added Bonus: You get to feel noble while enjoying yourself. Trade Secrets is a benefit for Women’s Support Services. The Food For Thought team helps feed the hungry by helping local gardeners donate their extra bounty or grow a row for the gardenless.

Oooh, sounds fabulous, but alas, I’ll be in Maine…. Millbrook, is that the Carey Arboretum?
Too bad Ali — but all kinds of neat stuff is happening in Maine, too.
Are you close enough to Boothbay to visit/Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens?
A largish calendar of delights, many of them food related, happening all summer long.
Yes, Carey Arboretum is right down the road. Last addressed here in a post about houseplants that’s also a farewell to their greenhouse but just writing them down reminds me to head over and see the lilacs; a small but handsome collection.
And don’t forget the Open days at Catskill Native Nursery on May 23rd in Kerhonkson~near New Paltz. I love this nursery for all their Catskill natives as well as all the good things they bring in for this special day. Last year Lee Reich gave a talk on native fruits. We always bring our truck and bring home way too much.
Thanks for the headsup , RW
It’s fun to think about all these and I see I haven’t yet said anything about the Garden Conservancy’s Open Days, or…
on the other hand, I’m rapidly getting to that point in the year when I don’t even want to go as far as the corner for milk.
although I think it’s absolutely great to have too much to do that’s too good to miss
Have you ever visited Loomis Creek Nursery in Claverack? We know one of the owners ( Bob Hyland) from our days at Strybing Arboretum in San Francisco.Bob and his partner Andrew have a very nice nursery and are both very knowledgeable. They have been on the Garden Conservancy’s Open Days tour in the past and this year I think Margaret Roach may be speaking there during the 2009 Open Days. They have lots of special plants and gergeous. A worthwhile visit-and then lunch in Hudson!
RW – good to see you plugging all those local delights. I have visited Loomis Creek and know Bob Hyland, though only a little; I hope someday it’ll be more. As for the gorgeous special plants I can only thank my lucky stars the place is too far away to be enticing on a daily basis.
It was a pleasure to meet you today at Food for Thought in Millbrook. I poked around on your website and read an excerpt from READING BETWEEN THE RECIPES. I can’t imagine a tiny person like you wrestling with a giant salmon in a bathtub! Hugely funny, but I won’t be trying it at home.
Nice to meet you, too, Betsy. All I can say about the salmon wrestling is that I was a lot younger then and that I only did it twice – once as described in RBTR and the second time about 15 years later, also written about ( and filmed) in The 3000 Mile Garden.
Both of the cucumber sauces that go with the salmon are very easy, however, and now that you’ve brought the subject up I’ll try to remember to post the recipes soon enough for cold fish season. Please bug me if they haven’t appeared in a month or so.