Gifts For Gardeners

Just a little reminder it’s not going to be winter forever.
First, though, present time. Here’s my perennial shopping list ( with source links) of good gifts for gardeners.
Membership in The Garden Conservancy is on that list without further explanation and at this point none may be needed. But just for the record: after starting small and being exceedingly Northeast-centric, the Conservancy is now saving significant gardens all over the US and offering benefits almost everywhere. Just the ticket for garden-loving friends, regardless of skill level or actual possession of garden.
Like good causes too numerous to mention, the Conservancy raises money by offering garden tours. Unlike (most of) the rest of them, that’s “garden tour” as in one garden at a time.
Thanks to an Open Days plan modeled on the British version, it’s easy to visit (and pay for) only the gardens that interest you, and the goodies are ongoing. Open Days occur throughout the the growing season from early spring to late fall.
The Hudson Valley is particularly rich in viewing options, which I’m usually too busy to exercise. But every year there are a few things too good to resist. Two years ago those things included the Hyland /Wente garden featured in the February issue of Fine Gardening magazine. Seeing that perfectly nice article helped inspire this one because being in good gardens rules; paper and screens are mighty poor substitutes for the real thing.

Not seen or mentioned in the story: The rill down the center axis has goldfish in it and a dark bottom that helps the water reflect the sky.

Leslie, many thanks for the suggestion and your kind words about our organization. Happy holidays to you!
Anyone ever read Carol Shields collection of stories